Tag: metastasi


Major Hepatectomy for Colorectal Liver Metastases in Patients Aged Over 80: A Propensity Score Matching Analysis

De Blasi V1,2,3, Memeo R1,2,3, Adam R4, Goéré D5, Cherqui D4, Regimbeau JM6, Rivoire M7, Perotto LO1,2,3, Navarro F8, Sa Cunha A4, Pessaux P1,2,3; on behalf of the French Colorectal Liver Metastases Working Group, Association Française de Chirurgie. Abstract BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to evaluate the

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Bisegmentectomia 6-7 per metastasi epatiche

Epatectomia in paziente con metastasi di 10 cm metacrona di un adenocarcinoma del colon sinistro. Bisegmentectomia 6-7 laparotomica su clampaggio vascolare intermittente.

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